At InStrat, we regard Data protection act with high respect and thus we have made our privacy policy with keep all the rules in mind. This page confirms you about how we use the data that get received by network when you access our website. You must read the privacy policy of our website before accessing it as it is important that you agree with it. You may see links of third party websites in our pages but we do not take any responsibility for accessing those sites.
Our website address is:
We use personal data such as name, address, email, IP address and contact number to identify you or to get in touch with you. This information will be collected only if you send or submit it to us. These information can be used only for statistical analysis and cannot be use for contact any visitors.
We use personal data to for our marketing purposes only such as sending mails or SMS but we do not share any such information with third parties. And the non-personal data we get from statistical collection based on visits are used to get analytical understanding of visitor source. All these data are used to organize our site.
We do not transfer data to any third parties unless taking a rightful permission from you. We also share your information only with those who needs to know it in order to deliver our services. On that situation, the third party has to comply with our same data protection guidelines. Also we only share your data for any legal purposes only such as summon or warrant or court orders.
We reserve the information transfer rights including the personal ones to a third party if we sale or merge or liquidizes or transfer our business or subsidiaries. In that condition we transfer our assets including consumer information but they must have to agree with our privacy policies mentioned in website. You will be notified if such situation occurs and will be given option to walk out.
Your data will be secured on safe server but we cannot guarantee security for information that is transmitted through web due to the nature of internet. We do take all responsible steps to secure your information but we cannot guarantee it to be 100% secure.
Cookies stored into your device when you browse through our website so that website can work efficiently. These cookies help us to analyze our website performance so that we can improvise it to the maximum. Visit to get more details about how to control the cookies.
If any changes made to our privacy policy than it will be posted in this page immediately. You must go through this page to make sure that you understand and agree with our data uses policy, security and sales obligations. Any changes made to the guidelines will be informed to you via email notifications.
You can contact us if you have any queries or questions regarding our privacy policy.